Tuesday - July 18
North Dakota State Capital |
Yesterday was our day to visit capitals. From our campground at Gen. Sibling State Park we drove the Geo into Bismark proper to see the North Dakota Capital. Very unimpressive, but one more checked off of the list.
South Dakota State Capital |
Then it was a long drive to Pierre, South Dakota to visit that capital. It was much more impressive with a dome, mosaic floors, marble staircased and hand painted murals. After leaving Pierre we continued our drive to Lake Vermillian Recreation Area just outside of Souix Falls. Again a beautiful campsite.
Today we continued the long drive between Pierre and Des Moines, stopping about 20 miles west of Des Moines. The goal now is to find a site with electricity as the temps are in the high 90's and anything closer to Des Moines was booked solid. Tomorrow the plan is to drive into Des Moines, visit the captial, return to the campsite and then make it to Jefferson City by the evening.
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